Friday, December 2, 2011


Hello Dear Friends!
It's that time of year...
Time to say a big Thank-You for visiting me here...
Time to share a bit of Christmas Cheer...
Time for my annual Final Giveaway!!!

I have a lot of fun deciding on the ornament each year.
And this year it's one of the little sweater ornies :)
I LOVE this sequined yarn...
isn't it festive?

And of course,
there has to be other goodies too!
A handknit cotton dishcloth to help clean up after all the baking.
Two darling little melamine plates for your Christmas treats.
Handy little spools of colorful thread.
And some cute patterned cardboard bobbins.
(Not only useful for embroidery floss,
but they'd be awfully cute with a few yards of yarn wrapped around for repairs to include with handknitted gifts.)

So here's the drill:
Leave a comment on
This Post Only
please Include Your Email Address
if it isn't attached to your name.
A winner will be randomly drawn on
Friday, Dec 9th.
This is open to everyone!

Good Luck!


Becky K in OK said...

Oh what a darling ornament. Love the entire give-a-way. Please include me.

katica said...

what a cute little ornament, as well as a wonderfully generous giveaway!

I would love to be included please!

I love reading your blog so thank you to you as well!


Anonymous said...

I haven't been around much this year, but I do enjoy your blog very much. Have a wonderful holiday season, Staci!!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

How thougthful of you!

Diane said...

I love the little ornament! Adorable.


Carin said...

That ornament is just so lovely !! How cute that would be I the christmas tree ! I would love to enter this give away (if it is open for overseas people).
My email is on my blog profile.

Jan said...

That little sweater is just too cute. Please include me in your drawing.


Elisa said...

What wonderful giveaway Staci, I would love to be entered...thanks Elisa

Diane (di) said...

Love, love, love the sweater ornament. What a wonderful giveaway Staci. Please include me, too. :)


Kate said...

Love the sweater ornament - so cute. I'd love to be included in your draw please.
pipkate6663 @

retaffdwife said...

I so enjoy reading your blog, and wish I could knit like you, please include me, Happy Holidays,

Shannon said...

What an adorable ornament! I would love to enter your giveaway. :)

pj said...

Staci, Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you enjoy the holiday season...I know you will all be warm with those knitted socks that are so special! I would love to be included in your sweet of you. pjstitcher @ mchsi dot com

Pamela said...

Love, love, love the little ornament sweater! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks for the chance. Pam

JillMN said...

Hi Staci! I love all of your knitting treasures, especially all the socks you have made. That is why I started knitting...socks! The sweater ornaments are adorable. Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy Stitching :)

Sandy said...

Love the ornament-sooo cute!! Include me in your drawing please! Sandy

sydneypaige said...

I am going to try these sweater ornaments too :-) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Happy Holidays.

sydney.cole at gmail

Michele said...

oh what fun! Please include me in your drawing :)

Jennifer said...

Hi Staci , I love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful handiwork. Seeing your lovely dishcloths always reminds me of my 98yr old Grandma who passed away last Dec 21st as she made them too even though she could hardly see. The minister who conducted her memorial service pulled one out and told us all that she had given it to him . He wasn't going to use it as it was a special one made by my Grandma who was a special lady. Even if I don't win your draw I have at least told you this story of how you inspire and bring happiness by showing your beautiful work. All the best for this wonderful season of love . your blogland friend.

The Queen Bee said...

Count me in. When I saw your little sweater ornaments I wished I could knit well enough to make myself one. It would be even nicer to win it!


annemarie said...

Wow this is a wonderful giveaway - happy holidays to you and your family.

valerie said...

OMGosh, a chance to win a cute sweater ornie?! Please count me in! How exciting!

doris said...

Me! Me! LOL ... thanks for the chance to win. My email is

Haworth said...

There's always so much to enjoy on your blog and the little sweater ornament is no exception. So lovely! And so kind of you to pass one along to one of your readers. Thank you!

lynda said...

I would love to be included in your giveaway. That ornament is adorable! Thank so much!


Teresa S. said...

I admit I was hoping a pair of socks would be included. I had to buy Knitting for Dummies and still only have 1 sock! Please include me in your giveaway. Merry Christmas!

Fiona said...

cool giveaway! Lol I'd love to be included! my email is

Nancy said...

Oh Staci! Such a beautiful giveaway! I love the little sweater especially with the sequins. Please enter my name in your giveaway.

Alice said...

What a fantastic giveaway. Please include me.

Carol said...

How can anyone resist that darling sweater ornament with its sparkly sequins. I would love to be entered into your giveaway, Staci :)

Thanks for the chance!

Julie said...

Fantastic little ornament
God luck to all who enter, a great giveaway.

Geraldine said...

Your blog is so motivational! What a great bunch of things in your giveaway! I would be delighted to win...thanks for doing this!

laurawilson25 said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Teresa said...

That is the cutest little sweater ever! What a fun giveaway.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Catherine said...

Your sweater ornaments are so sweet! And great extra goodies too!! Please count me in for a chance!

Anja said...

What a Lovely Give Away!

All of the parts are so nice!

I would be so happy if these lovely things would be send to my home!

But I think you'd prefer to send the Give Away to someone living in your own country. If you don't mind sending it to another country, I'd lovely to participate in the Give Away (I'm from The Netherlands).

Have a happy December!

stitchersanon said...

oh that is so cute! I would love to enter. Thank you for such an original giveaway xxxxx

Ginny said...

Your little sweater ornament is so darling. I have never tried to knit something so small. Thanks for the opportunity to win your awesome bundle of goodies.

Debbie said...

Awesome giveaway! I love your sweater ornaments.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Please enter me in your wonderful Christmas giveaway!

Tea at Weasel's said...

Hi there! What a gorgeous blog you have here. Thank you for the kind comment you left on my post today :)
I would love to enter your givaway if you don't mind? The little jumper is just too cute!!
My email address is

Hope you are having a fab weekend,
Louise xx

Patty C. said...

Oh - How cute - Please include me in you very creative Giveaway - The winner will be sooo blessed !!!

Kellie said...

Love it all! Especially that adorable sweater ornament!!!
Please include me. And thank you for offering such a sweet and generous giveaway.

kellieps3 at windstream dot net

Sonda said...

Staci, please include me...your knitting is lovely.
Nfdemtp74 @ gmail . Com

Hazel said...

I would love to enter your giveaway Staci! I can't believe I nearly missed it!! xx

Lisa Russell said...

I love your little sweater ornament!!

kathy b said...

Great giftaway!

Kathy b

Joanie said...

Adorable!!! Please enter me, Stacy!


saras said...

I'd love to try! love the sweater! sara

Terry said...

Precious gifts..thanks for the chance! Terry in Texas

Jewleigh said...

I love the little sweater and its sequins <3 So cute!

gourmetknits @ gmail dot com

PegC said...

Love that jumper! I'm in--thanks for the opportunity.

BronnyB said...

Like all the others..that ornament is so cute! I'd be honoured to have it hanging from my Christmas ornament tree... of course I have to enter to win!!!
Thank you for this chance!

Solstitches said...

What a fun and different giveaway.
The little sweater ornament is adorable.
I'd love to enter the draw please.

Marsha said...

What a great little ornament and wonderful treats. Hope I win!

Ellen S said...

What a great giveaway!! I admire your stitching and knitting!! Please enter my name!!!

Ellen S

Melanie said...

OMG YES! Sign me up, girlie! :)

Kat said...

Thank you for the chance, the sweater ornament is so cute! I wish I could knit - I can never get my tension right!


geeky Heather said...

What else can I say about the darling sweater that everyone else hasn't??!? Please enter me! If I win, I'll love it and pet it and pat it and...well.

msmartello said...

Great giveaway and would love a chance to I wish I could knit like you. I love the stuff you make.


Kathy A. said...

A handknit sweater ornament. How cute is that! I would love to be included in your giveaway.
I am sorry I don't comment as often as I used to but know that I do read your blog every posting.

Julie said...

I would love to enter your drawing. Wish I knew how to knit, you inspire me to learn how! Thanks for the chance!

jsteinbarger at

Vera said...

Hi Staci,

Hope you are feeling better! Would love to be entered in your fabulous give-away. Thanks!

Tanya Marie said...

Feel better!

Enter me :)

~*Sharee*~ said...

Thanks for reminding about your giveaway, I could have sworn I entered? Must be losing my mind hun?? LOL Hope your feeling better; I love the little sweater and will save a spot on the tree for it..LOL Please enter me in your very generous giveaway..

Hugs, Shar

Sharon said...

What a cheerful give-a-way! I just LOVE the idea of a give-a-way of goodies made with the hands, from the heart! :)
Please include me in the drawing.. Thanks!

Barbara J said...

Thank you for the giveaway ... and please add my name to the hat! You've put together a very nice collection!

Hope you feel better today and the meds are working!

Nancy B - said...

Love the little green sweater - thanks for the give a way!

Gayle said...

Love the little sweater. So cute. You are always so nice to share patterns, recipes and your beautiful work. Thank you!

Cathy from Kentucky said...

Love everything please enter me in your drawing. I want to learn how to crochet/knit.