Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's a Good Morning!

Actually, it was a good evening because I finished this WIP that I started last summer! I really like the way it turned out...lovin' the combo of the slightly variegated red floss and the really blotchy fabric. (You can read here about how I dyed the fabric.)

Good Morning freebie
by Ria Lanser (Grandma's Kitchen), OOP
fabric: misc "staci-dyed" remnant
fiber: Victorian Motto in Red G

And I've started Coffin Buzz, also a freebie, by Plum Street Samplers...

I'm using WDW Mocha and another linen remnant I hand-dyed, and really liking the way it's turning out!

Michele is also stitching Coffin Buzz (over 1!). And she sent me her Rise and Shine pattern so that I can stitch it (hers turned out so cute that I have to copy it!)

Has anyone noticed a theme going on with some of my recent stitching??? I want to decorate the wall behind my kitchen table with "morning" themed stitcheries. I want to have it done by the end of summer. HEY, quit laughing (I can hear you guys snorting at me, lol!) I have 3 done, one in progress, and 4 (maybe 5) more that I'd like to do. But I could always use the 3 and call it done, LOL!

Thanks for stopping by, your visits always make my day!!!


Annie said...

You always seem to pick freebies that I would never be attracted to from the chart alone, but after you stitch them I up, I immediately want to start stitching them too.

Great job on the rooster. The breakfast wall sounds like a very cool idea for the kitchen.

Cindy F. said...

You KNOW I LOVE your rooster!! Too cute!! and what an awesome theme for your kitchen:) (I'm going to stitch "Rise and Shine" one of these days too!) We don't have a lot of wall space in our kitchen, but I'm filling our laundry room with roosters and chickens since our house is French Country:)

Beautiful progress on "Coffin Buzz" too!

(hey, you should be receiving a little something, something from me on Thursday;)

valerie said...

Love your rooster freebie finish! It turned out great and love the compliment of the linen and the floss. Good start on Coffin Buzz. That one's on my to-do list!

Kim B said...

What a great rooster! And your tombstone is looking good. It makes me want a cup of coffee myself, but decaf since caffeine makes the nursing ladybug buzzed all day!

Gabi said...

The rooster is adorable. Love your fabric too. And Coffin Buzz is a great little chart. I should do that one myself too...lol...coffee addict as I am. And that fabric looks fantastic as well.

Andrea said...

I just love your little rooster, it's adorable! And your idea for the morning themed wall is a great one! I have several roosters in my stash hollering at me, so I can see something similar in my walls future! The Coffin Buzz is coming along nicely!

Michele said...

omgosh that finish is wonderful! and yep, I'll be finding it and stitching it too! lol .. we really do love the same things don't we :)

funny, we are both about the same place with Coffin Buzz .. I adore this design and love yours on that fabric!

Jan said...

Love that rooster, going to have to print it off, thanks for the link. I also love your idea for your kitchen wall, what a neat undertaking and I can't wait to see all that you hang there!

Love reading your blog, Staci!

Anonymous said...

Top o' the mornin' to you too, Staci!! Love your red rooster, and your Staci-dyed fabbies look fabulous... I speak from experience, I lurrv mine!

Julianne said...


I have every confidence that your wall will be achieved. I can't wait to see it. It's going to be BEAUTIFUL!

Anne S said...

Your latest finish is lovely - tha wee rooster is too cute! And I have to agree with Harmien that your fabrics look awesome :D

Carol R said...

Love your little red rooster Staci!

Theresa said...

The rooster is gorgeous!!!! What a great idea to do a morning themed wall in the kitchen~~~

Jennifer said...

Must go immediately to find the "Good Morning" freebie. I love chickens and rooster and IT'S FREE!! How can you beat that. Love the tombstone. I've been really into tombstones latley..... and patriotic themes, go figure!

Laura said...

I LOVE your Good Morning rooster!!!!! I am off to try to find that chart right this instant!! Thanks for such great inspiration! Your work is just so lovely!

Laura said...

Staci.....I have been hunting around for the last half hour to find Good Morning and I can't find it! Could you take pity on me and send me a link or more information? Is anyone else like this? Obsessed, when they find something they like?

My email is duetabode@comcast.net.

I know it is a lot to ask; but if you can help that would be great!!!!

Colleen said...

I LOVE this rooster and would like the chart but can't find it on the link :( Could you tell me what month it was in?? Thanks :)

Jeanie said...

You have such great ideas, a morning kitchen wall ! The red rooster is gorgeous ! Can't wait to see your 'new' wall :)

Olga said...

Your rooster freebie looks fantastic!. The fabric and the thread go so well together.

Sadie said...

Beautiful finish Staci. I love the sound of your 'morning' wall in the kitchen. Can't wait to see some pics!
Have a great week x

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I have the Rooster all printed out and ready to stitch someday....LOL! I'm going with a rooster theme over my Pie Safe in my Kitchen...have you seen the new LHN roosters...definite must get for me to add to my Prairie Schooler Rooster and this one...that I hope to stitch one day! LOL!
Both of your stitches are gorgeous as always and your idea for the kitchen table wonderful!


Wow, your blog is really wonderful.
Have a nice day
Manuela (Italy)

Sherry said...

I just love that chicken! I may have to do it for my kitchen and you reminded me that I have been wanting to do Coffee Buzz that is lieing in my stash!

Anonymous said...

loved the rooster but can't seem to find the freebie on the site, looked all over, is it still there?
Pam B

Rima said...

Wow! Super great work! Love the red...

Gwen said...

Love the rooster and the fabric colors. I finished Rise and Shine by Bent Creek, now to have it framed. I have searched the website for the rooster. I can not find him.
Please e-mail me with location if possible. gwen19072002@yahoo.com
Thanks Gwen

Brigitte said...

Oh my, Staci, such a lovely finish. And your WIP looks great, too.

Maren said...

I love your rooster! I think decorating your wall in morning themes is a good goal, and by the end of the summer is an excellent time period. Um...which summer are you aiming for specifically? This one, or the next? :)

Hazel said...

Love your red rooster. I'd love to see your wall when it's finished. x

Carla said...

Lovely stitching! Both pieces look great!

pj said...

Rooster is darling but I can't get the pattern either. In fact, I do get some Explorer error when I try to get into that blog. Can you share with us the link, Staci? Great red color!!! Thanks...pj

Anonymous said...

Hi Staci,
Love the rooster, but I also could not locate the pattern. I look at Grandma's Kitchen fairly often and have only copied the "Odd Socks" from there. Would you mind telling me where you located the rooster?
Thanks so much - your projects are inspiring!
Thanks, Lori

Teri said...

I love the rooster, and "coffin buzz" is also on my list to stitch. As for your "morning" wall, not only do I know you can accomplish all the stitching this summer, but my guess is that your beautiful "morning" work will far surpass one wall! Can't wait to see more!!

Anonymous said...

just found your blog and love it! I also can not find the rooster freebie on the site. but would love to. Also, if anyone here has the Bent Creek Rise and Shine for sale, I would like to purchase it. I have searched everywhere. thanks! Terry in Texas rjbryson@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Have also tried everywhere to find the rooster freebie. I want to stitch it for a friend. If at all possible, please let me know where to search for it. I would really appreciate it.

You did a wonderful job of it!


Evelyn in Newport News, VA

Sherre said...

Love the Good Morning rooster freebie, Staci! I looked thru the entire blog link you gave but never found it. Can someone help me find it?

Thank you!

luverlie said...

I can't find the freebie either. I have looked the entire site over. She has wonderful items on her blog, but no rooster. My sister's house is full of roosters and I would love to do this for her. Any links would be greatly appreciated. Staci your blog is wonderful.

l'atelier de lolie said...

Subject :Good Morning freebie

I found the Good Morning freebie beautiful. Impossible for me to found the freebie at this address.
Please could help me.
You blog is very beautiful And I join your newletters

Júlia said...

Hello, I love the good morning freebie but I cannot find it.

Please, would you help me?

thanks so much in advance


Sandra said...

Your rooster pic is lovely.
Like everyone else...I can't find it.
Could your share it with me also?
This would be perfect in my kitchen.
Thank you.
